Hire Rates & Payments
Please follow the underlined links to find the appropriate rates for your booking. Community rates are for charities and private events; commercial rates apply for businesses. Rates for 2024 and 2025 are now shown.
If you represent one of MCA's Sections or Affiliates, please contact the Liston Hall office for applicable rates.
Rates are given for the Main Hall, the Garden Room, the Thames Room and the Kitchen, which can be used with the Hall and/or Garden Room or as a stand-alone booking.
The Thames Room has its own small kitchen included in the room hire. Cups and saucers are included for both kitchens.
The Bruce Room is available for £5 per hour with a minimum hire period of 2 hours. This charge applies for all users regardless of the time or day of the week.
The charge for use of the digital projector is £10. Other bookable facilities such as the piano etc. are available free of charge.
Due to the closure of our local bank branch, payment can no longer be made by cash or cheque other than in exceptional circumstances and with prior agreement - with our apologies for any inconvenience.
Payment of the returnable security deposit must be by card, either in person or over the phone.
Other payments may be made with a debit or credit card at the office or over the phone, or online by BACS transfer. IMPORTANT - if you wish to pay online via BACS, please contact the office first to confirm the amount due and get an invoice reference so your payment can be associated with your booking. Without this step, your booking may be deemed to be unpaid and cancelled.
BACS details are:
Sort code: 30-99-08
Account number: 23510460
Reference: Invoice reference & your surname
You can also drop into the Liston Hall office during our opening hours to complete a form, make payment and confirm your booking on the spot.