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Affiliates list
Four Seasons
Chamber of Commerce
Age Concern
Folk Dance
Horticultural Society

Marlow Methodist Church

Marlow Museum

Marlow National Trust Association

Marlow Town Council

Marlow Town Regatta and Festival

Marlow Town Twinning Association

Rotary Club of Marlow

Rotary Club of Marlow - Thames

RSPCA - South Bucks

Temple Island Management 

Thames Valley Scale Model Club

The Marlow Players

The Marlow Society

United Reform Church (Christ Church)


Four Seasons Club Marlow
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Four Seasons Club Marlow meets up socially on the first Wednesday of every month from February through to December to hear a talk and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee with friends.  Regular coach outings are arranged for members to have a day out as well as two holidays per year.  Club meetings start at 10 am but you can arrive from 9:30 am onwards if you wish to make a booking for trips and holidays, or to pay your annual membership fee.  There is a book/puzzle stall and a raffle is held every month.


For more information, please contact our Chairman on 01628 486596 or our Secretary on 01628 290583

Marlow & District Chamber of Commerce

Marlow Chamber of Commerce is an association representing just under 100 businesses that operate in Marlow. Our members are businesses of all sizes and market sectors. We meet monthly 10 times a year for information on local news and networking.


Please contact the Chamber Secretary,  Jo Braybrooke, on 01628 488238 or for more information or visit our website at


Marlow & District U3A

The objective of Marlow & District U3A is the advancement of education and, in particular, the education of older people and those who are retired from full time work, including associated activities conducive to learning and personal development in Marlow and district.  Our website here gives contact details and a full listing of all of our group activities.


Marlow Age Concern

Marlow Age Concern, an independent charity, runs a Day Centre which is open to guests each weekday by invitation for company and a two course lunch. The Phoenix Stroke club runs on Monday afternoons and the Transport Service provides transport to hospital and doctors appointments.


We always need more cooks, kitchen and washing up help, minibus escorts and drivers and day room helpers.



Please telephone our Manager on 01628 482883 between 9am and 1pm Monday to Friday or email Visit our website at

Marlow Amateur Operatic Society

MAOS is Marlow’s very own musical theatre company and has been bringing theatrical performances to Marlow for over 60 years. We welcome anyone to our group who is aged 16 years plus and you don’t need any prior experience.


Email or call Lucy Newell on 07899 867757 for more information or visit our website at

Marlow Archaeology Group

The Marlow area has been the scene of human activity for over 6000 years. Help us find out more about our fascinating past. Join us for talks, fieldwork, visits, research and more. No previous experience needed, just an interest in our town and its history: all are welcome.


For more information visit our website at or contact us at

Marlow Conservative Association

Marlow Conservatives is dedicated to supporting the residents of Marlow through political campaigning ensuring the highest possible quality of life for the vibrant local community. This work is strengthened through our collaboration with the Beaconsfield constituency and the broader UK Conservative Party.


Association members are also encouraged and supported to stand for local Council elections, enabling them to serve the community with commitment.



In addition, Marlow Conservatives organises social events, sometimes with accomplished politicians, providing a welcoming space for like-minded Marlow residents who share Conservative values to connect.

If you have a community issue that needs addressing, a great idea to enhance the local quality of life, or if you would like to become a member, please contact the Chair, Sara Abey,  at  or

Marlow Folk Dance Club

Marlow Folk Dance Club is a very friendly club which meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month from September to June.  We dance from 8.00 p.m. to 10.15 p.m., with a break for refreshments.  During the summer months we meet for dancing in members’ gardens, and have other events so that we keep in touch with each other.


The club was formed in 1960 and has met regularly ever since.  Our dancing is best described as English Country Dancing, and we are often accompanied by live music.  At other times we dance to CDs chosen by the caller.  All dances are walked through before being put to music, so that even beginners can pick up the moves easily.  The moves are called throughout each dance at the discretion of the caller.



New members will always be welcomed, and beginners especially will find more experienced dancers ready to dance with them.  It is not necessary to come with a partner. 


Contact details :  Janet Boothman (chairman) 01494 531716


We are included in the Chiltern Folk Association website :

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Marlow & District Horticultural Society
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Marlow Horticultural Society meets every second Tuesday of the month at Liston Hall, doors are open at 7.30pm for an 8pm start. Membership is only £5 for the year; entry to meetings is just £2 for members and £3 for non members; everyone is welcome.
For 10 months of the year we have an organised guest speaker covering a range of seasonal topics, such as how and when to prune fruit trees, creating winter colour in the garden, growing vegetables in small gardens, bulb planting, and also more specialist talks on Gladioli, Dahlias, Roses etc. All speakers are sought from expert reviews and vary from year to year.

Visit our face book page or website for monthly speaker information. This is also an opportunity for members to get together every month for a cup of tea or coffee, join in on 2 annual trips a year to RHS or other gardens and also show their home grown or home made produce in our annual Flower Show that is held in August. In May the society holds a plant sale where members and the public can buy quality home grown plants. 


Contact details: Society Secretary; 07932 416025, show Secretary;  01628 485545, Membership Secretary; 01628 483594. 

Marlow Methodist Church
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Marlow Methodist Church offers a warm welcome to all. Pop in for a coffee (or tea etc.), or join one of the other activities at the church ( on Spittal St ). The church supports a number of charities, and welcomes any involvement. There are Sunday Services, to cater for a range of ages and preferences. 


Please visit the website for more details at

Marlow Museum
New Museum Frontage Oct 2019 by

Marlow Museum is located by the Pound Lane car park, by the entrance to Court Garden Leisure Centre, handy to Higginson Park and the town centre. Lots of interest and information about Marlow and the surrounding area, people, places, buildings, historical items, in a compact space. Please visit our website for opening times and more information. Admission is free.

tel: 01628 485474

Marlow Town Twinning Association

Marlow is twinned with Marly-Le-Roi near Paris in France and Budavar which is a district within Budapest, the capital of Hungary.


To find out more and for details of both twinning organisations, please visit our website at 

Thames Valley Scale Model Club
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We are an enthusiastic group of over 50 people of all ages (from 11 to 93 years young) with a shared passion for making and displaying scale models of Aircraft, Ships, Military Vehicles, Figures and many other subjects, made from plastic model kits (Airfix, Revell, Tamiya etc), resin, Vac formed or mixed media kits, and some brave members even make completely scratch built models.  Many of our members are also Members of the International Plastic Modellers Society ( ), and many belong to other model clubs.  While most of the members are enthusiastic amateurs whose main aim is enjoyment & relaxation, we do have past IPMS National Champions, and recognised experts in their fields, who happily help the less experienced members.

The Marlow Players
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Amateur theatre offers an interesting and fulfilling hobby for those who wish to become part of a team of like-minded people—on stage; backstage; directing; publicity; front of house—whatever suits your talent or interest. 


For more information about our productions or any aspect of our activities, please visit our website at or email

The aim of the Players is to provide the theatre going public with a quality production both on and off stage. We rehearse and create and build our own sets in the Studio in Liston Road.


The Marlow Players’ produce two plays a year, one in November/December and the other in March/April, staged in the Shelley Theatre, Court Garden.  Every two years we take our English Spring production to our twin-town in France, Marly-le-Roi. 


We also present ‘Murder Mystery Evenings’, usually in Liston Hall, which have proved very popular and successful. 


The Marlow Society
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The Marlow Society aims to represent Marlow and the surrounding area, in supporting preservation and appropriate development. It originated as the Marlow Bridge Preservation Society in 1958, formed to prevent the replacement of the suspension bridge with a modern structure. The website gives an insight into some of the current activities, contact details and a range of interesting local history articles.


Please visit

Town Twinning
Model Club
Marlow Players


Marlow Community Association

Registered charity number 300301

01628 472558


Liston Hall

Chapel Street






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