About Us
​The main aim of the Marlow Community Association (MCA) is to bring together groups and individuals who offer mutual support and friendship and provide them with the facilities to pursue that aim.
Liston Hall is its primary focus, providing flexible and cost-effective letting spaces for all. A part-time salaried administrator runs the Liston Hall office assisted by a team of volunteers.
Marlow Community Association has a number of Sections who, though managed and funded separately, are a part of MCA. Many other local community-based organisations (not commercial enterprises) are MCA Affiliates.
The Association is managed by an Executive Committee with a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, assisted by 4 sub-committees - General Purposes for premises-related matters, Resources for funding and IT, Marketing and Carnival. The Carnival is a major event in the MCA calendar and makes a significant contribution to the budget.
The Executive Committee reports to the General Council which meets at least three times a year and whose membership includes trustee representatives of all the sections and affiliates.
Marlow Community Association is a registered charity and relies on the regular use of Liston Hall to generate income to maintain and improve the facilities.
If you would like to help in other ways, then please consider joining the 100 Club Lottery - details here - or nominating Liston Hall as your chosen charity with easyfundraising.co.uk. This is completely free for you but generates income for Liston Hall every time you shop online with one of the thousands of retailers registered with easyfundraising. For more information and a How To guide, please click here.